The Problem

We are bombarded daily by the massive challenges facing us, on individual, organizational, and societal levels. Leaders are speaking more and more about the role of business to solve those challenges, but very little is being said about how to activate their commitments. If we're going to effectively move to a healthier, more sustainable version of stakeholder capitalism, we all need to know what it looks like in our roles as professionals, consumers, and investors.

Our Solution

Since 2013, we’ve done over 10,000 hours of work with over 200 professionals from diverse backgrounds to create proprietary tools and a global community to navigate the journey to meaning. Now, we want to share these resources with you. Powering Purposeful Growth: Discover Meaning In Work & Life, will help you make meaning of your life and work, to be a force for good in the world, and get more effective, creative, productive, and fulfilled as a result! By learning the operational, strategic, marketing, and financial elements of stakeholder capitalism, you will find concrete ways to contribute to important solutions, through your work, purchases, and investments.
Find Meaning Now

What Participants Get:

  • Success: Professionals who understand the meaning of their work are more productive and promoted faster.

  • Innovation: Using business as a force for good leads to creative solutions, like Nike’s FlyKnit!

  • Well-Being: Research has shown having a sense of meaning reduces anxiety, heart disease and dementia.

  • Stakeholder Benefits: Understanding how to serve all stakeholders improves economic and social outcomes for suppliers, employers, customers, as well as serving shareholders.

Course Topics:

  • Purpose for Performance: how finding meaning in the stakeholder capitalism model improves individual and organizational performance

  • The History of Business for Good: the background of today's accelerating pace toward a healthier, more sustainable stakeholder capitalism

  • The B Corp Movement and Stakeholder Capitalism: a playbook for building and growing businesses that are a force for good

  • Measuring Impact in the Private Sector: an action-oriented overview of the challenges, opportunities, and next steps in measuring environmental, social, and governance factors

  • Sharing the Love: tactical and strategic ways to share the insights of stakeholder capitalism within and beyond your team

About IC's Approach

Ashley Cohen

MBA, Harvard Business School

The biggest value add was taking this intangible idea I had of doing something with purpose into a realistic path with a few clearly defined options and many additional seeds for ideas.

David Rabkin

GM, US Small- and Midsized Businesses, American Express

Inspiring Capital's approach to purpose at work is powerful. They made impact and purpose tangible, and their learning session approach is dynamic and research-based.

Laura Davis

Managing Director, JP Morgan

Nell’s diverse background gives her unique expertise in the world of social impact. She presents in a motivating and action-oriented way.

Claude Fidelin

Merchandising Strategic Planning Director, Nike

Nell’s motivation is contagious and inspires people to do a lot more and dream bigger.

Miguel Frade

Associate, McKinsey

I’m here because it’s no longer a choice to learn about this space. Consumers care about social impact, so leaders and CEOs have to know about it.